Lumber Rack Archaeology



Artifacts from the lumber rack.


Sometimes, reorganizing a lumber rack that’s been neglected for 13 years can be like an archaeological dig. Among the artifacts uncovered from tidying up the hardwood rack this weekend: a side-hatchet in mid-restoration (left); a KHM #C.45 upper rosette practice piece in some soundboard patch wood; and a razor-sharp, circa 1850’s broadaxe.  I don’t use a broadaxe in my shop that much (so far), but the old tool came to me as a severely rusted specimen in 1998, with a delaminated steel bit, and covered in cowpats from it sitting exposed in a Texas pasture for many years.  A few hours of cleanup/stabilization work and a trip to the local blacksmith, yielded a tool that will always have a place in my shop.  


